Thermoelectric plant in AM seeks hybrid generation with solar energy

Oliveira Energia requested Aneel to install a photovoltaic project
Empresa dona de usinas térmicas quer aderir formato híbrido adicionando geração de energia solar
The plant in Urucará, a city in the interior of the state, is one of 42 Oliveira Energia plants that can receive photovoltaic systems. Photo: Disclosure

Aiming to reduce the use of fossil fuels and seeking more balance with the environment, the Oliveira Energia, which has 42 thermoelectric plants in the state of Amazonas, wants to replace part of its matrix with solar energy and make its plants hybrid. Currently, the company's plants are powered by diesel oil.

The company sent a request to ANEEL (National Electric Energy Agency) and is awaiting approval to proceed with the photovoltaic panel installation project. 

“The project is still in its infancy. But what attracts us to implement it are the environmental benefits it brings and also the reliability of the photovoltaic solar generation system”, explains Heitor Gomes Cândido, interim technical director at Oliveira Energia.

Once the project is approved by ANEEL, Oliveira Energia's intention is to have 50% of photovoltaic power installed in its plants. 

“The plant in the city of Maués currently has a capacity of 21 MW. In an initial conversation, we thought about installing 10 MW of solar energy there, if possible. For this, we would need, by our calculations, around 28 thousand solar panels installed”, details Cândido, reinforcing that the company is still defining which solution will serve it.

But, according to him, the choice for solar energy meets the future expectations for Oliveira Energia, which seeks to enter the energy production sector from renewable sources.

“Solar energy is the most reliable and easiest option in relation to logistics in the interior of the country. Amazonas, where our plants are. Here in the state, the winds are not attractive for investing in wind energy and our topography is too flat for hydroelectric plants. Therefore, photovoltaic energy is our solution”, adds the technical director.

Picture of Redação do Canal Solar
Redação do Canal Solar
Text produced by Canal Solar journalists.

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