Zero grid plant with 552 solar panels opens in Piauí  

The project occupies an area of 2,637 m² and has a generation capacity of 39,186 kWh per month
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Usina zero grid com 552 painéis solares é inaugurada no Piauí
Zero grid power plant installed at Fazenda Canel. Photo: Disclosure

O Pacto Energia Group inaugurated, this Wednesday (17), a zero grid solar power plant with 552 modules photovoltaics in the city of Uruçuí, in the south of the state of Piauí. 

O project – commissioned by Fazenda Canel – occupies a area of 2,637 m² and has a generation capacity of 39,186 kWh per month, equivalent to around 470,236 kWh per year. 

Furthermore, it has the presence of two smart inverters, which play a role in controlling and optimizing electricity production.

These inverters automatically adjust energy generation according to consumption in real time, thus ensuring efficiency and greater use of energy generated on site.

O investment total project amount was R$ 1.5 million and had the participation of 10 professionals for your installation, from electrical engineers to specialized installers. 

What is a zero grid solar plant?

One zero grid solar plant is a plant in which there is no injection of energy generated into the concessionaire's network, being all energy consumed in the installation area. 

In the case of the new Piauí plant All the energy will be used to supply the factory and farm facilities, with monitoring and regulation of production in real time through inverters and software.

With the operation of this zero grid solar plant, it is expected that the demand for electrical energy will be met in a clean and sustainable way, reducing dependence on non-renewable sources and contributing to the preservation of the environment.

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Picture of Henrique Hein
Henrique Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.

One Response

  1. What equipment was used in the project? If possible, send us more details as to whether it was completely off-grid or whether it was approved with the local dealership's network reference with zero injection! Big hug

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