Floating plants, climate change and sales end 1st day

The event brought together renowned professionals from the solar sector for an audience of around 500 people
Usinas flutuantes, mudanças climáticas e vendas encerram 1º dia
Lecture by José Bione, engineer at Chesf, about floating plants. Photo: Canal Solar

In collaboration with Mateus Badra 

O first of two days of lectures from Connect Channel – congress designed by Solar Channel came to an end, this Monday (28), with three more lectures held in the afternoon.

After a morning in content focused on topics related to Law 14,300 - with one lecture given by lawyer Pedro Dante it is a panel discussion with renowned professionals – the rest of the day was reserved for debates on other topics.

In total, the first day featured participation of around 500 people: there were more than 200 people present in the auditorium of the UNICAMP Convention Center (State University of Campinas) and at least 270 registered people following the event via Internet. 

Floating power plants

At around 3:30 pm, a presentation by José Bione, engineer at Chesf (Companhia Hidrelétrica do São Francisco), began on the main aspects of a floating solar plant related to the stages of implementing the technology.

The professional also spoke about the advantages, prospects and growth potential of the source in Brazil, as well as studies applied by Chesf at the floating solar plant in Sobradinho (BA). 

According to him, with the energy transition process that the country has been going through, it is necessary to further optimize sources. “Today, we have environmental, technological and social limitations. Being able to make an isolated hydroelectric plant integrate other sources within it makes ESG really happen”, he highlighted. 

Climate changes

At 5pm, Vitor Hassan, head of energy at Grupo Climatempo, spoke about how climate change is impacting the photovoltaic energy sector and what we can expect in the long term in the projection scenario.

“I had the opportunity to listen to some colleagues who commented on the importance of good strategic planning for the future in light of all this market regulation. But what will all of this look like later on?” he asked. 

“When we talk about LCOE (Levelized Cost of Energy) and energy efficiency, for example, market regulation alone is not enough. When it comes to wind, water and the Sun – in this case for solar energy, the Sun is extremely important in modulating future market strategies”, said Hassan.

Vitor Hassan, head of energy at Grupo Climatempo, on the Canal Conecta stage. Photo: Canal Solar

According to the expert, the world is currently experiencing one of the biggest and fastest energy transitions, and the focus is on renewables. “So, it was discussed how to become efficient in the face of climate change, in the face of rising temperatures and extremely aggressive targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions, making the climate a great ally”, he concluded. 

Sales dashboard

At around 5:30 pm, Canal Conecta held a panel on how to boost sales in the photovoltaic sector, which had as guests: Gustavo Tegon, business director at Esfera Solar; Fábio Furtado, CEO of SolarZ; Neto Tosato, founder of Projesol; Raphael Brito, owner and founder of SolarPrime; and Rodrigo Matias, Commercial Director at Ecori.

“The topics covered were relevant, focused on professional growth in sales, career development in sales, after-sales and various factors that involve the growth of the company itself so that it does not lose the business opportunities it has in the sector and , thus, be able to expand in a market that is growing so much”, highlighted Tegon.

Sales panel with professionals from the solar sector. Photo: Canal Solar

Throughout the panel, the speakers also gave tips for integrators, emphasizing the importance of training in the solar sector. “There is a real need for learning in a market where companies are developing, growing and leaving holes in their base”, highlighted Tegon.

“Therefore, for all salespeople, for all those who work with businesses in the sector, it is extremely important, both technically and commercially, for companies to flow, for business to flow more smoothly and for companies to grow. be more continuous”, he concluded. 

Picture of Henrique Hein
Henrique Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.
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