Solar plants will benefit 500 small businesses in the interior of SP

Total investment for the implementation of new photovoltaic projects is around R$ 30 million
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Usinas solares beneficiarão 500 pequenos comércios no interior de SP.
Projects will total an increase of 6.5 MWp. Photo: Disclosure

In June this year, four solar power plants will be opened in the municipality of Lorena (SP). The projects will total a increase of 6.5 MWp for to fuel fence 500 commercial establishments Of region. 

To the plants they were developed by Thrive – a benefits program that connects small and medium-sized companies to clean energy generators and offers monthly bonuses so traders can reduce expenses on their electricity bills. 

O investment total for the implementation of the four plants in the region is R$ 30 million, as explained by Marcelo Freitas, founder of Prospera. 

“The city of Lorena has technical characteristics that allow the plants that will be installed to achieve better yield and energy generation potential, enabling greater coverage to serve customers,” he said. 

The founder of Prospera said that the company has invested heavily in solar energy considering that the technology presents an excellent business and growth opportunity for small and medium-sized Brazilian companies. 

“Our objective with these new plants is to continue our expansion plan, additionally serving hundreds of small businesses that are currently already on our waiting list, and, thus, giving them the opportunity to use subsidized renewable energy”, said Freitas.

Recently, the startup also invested another R$ 10 million in the city of Cruzeiro (SP) to build and connect two photovoltaic plants in the municipality, totaling 3.1 MWP. The technology made it possible to initially supply around 150 merchants in the region. 

Picture of Henrique Hein
Henry Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.

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