Powertis solar plants will generate almost 3 thousand jobs in Brazil

The company announced that it has begun construction of two solar plants in two Brazilian states
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22-03-21-canals-solar-Usinas solares da Powertis irão gerar quase 3 mil empregos no Brasil

Powertis, a Soltec Power Holdings company, announced that it has started construction of two photovoltaic plants in Brazil, each with 112.5 MWp. 

Located in Pedranópolis (SP) and Araxá (MG), the plants will boost the creation of more than 2,800 jobs, encouraging work in local communities and the inclusion of renewable energy. 

The works began after Powertis signed agreements in November and December 2020 with BNDES (National Bank for Economic and Social Development), which approved financing for both projects – R$ 191 million for the plant in Pedranópolis and R$ 194 million for the Araxá plant.

“With the construction of these projects we continue to guarantee the company’s position in Brazil, a market with enormous potential. At Soltec Power Holdings we maintain a clear commitment to increasing our presence in the country, where we have a leading position and a market share of 35.7%”, said Raúl Morales, CEO of Soltec.

Brazilian market

Powertis has a project portfolio of more than 2 GW in various phases of development in Brazil. As an example, this is the contract that was signed in March 2020 with Focus Energy for the supply of solar trackers for an 852 MW plant – which corresponds to the first phase of what will be, according to the company, the largest plant in Latin America with bifacial trackers.

In addition to Brazil, the company has 2 GW in Spain and more than 1 GW under development in Italy. Over the next few years, it hopes to continue increasing its presence in these countries, as well as analyzing entry into new markets.

Picture of Mateus Badra
Mateus Badra
Journalist graduated from PUC-Campinas. He worked as a producer, reporter and presenter on TV Bandeirantes and Metro Jornal. Has been following the Brazilian electricity sector since 2020.

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