Solar plants will supply 300 Bradesco branches

Company signs agreement with Enel X for the construction of nine plants in the states of Rio de Janeiro, Ceará and Goiás
30-09-21-canal-solar-Usinas solares irão abastecer 300 agências do Bradesco

A Enel X keep doing partnerships to boost the Brazilian photovoltaic market. This time, it signed an agreement with Bradesco for the development and construction of nine DG (distributed generation) plants in the states of Rio de Janeiro, Ceará and Goiás. 

With a total installed capacity of 11 MWp, the plants will be responsible for generating clean energy for more than 300 Bradesco branches in the three states. The agreement was established for a period of ten years, with the possibility of extending the contractual term.

According to the companies, the project will avoid the annual emission of around 12 thousand tons of CO², which corresponds to the neutralization obtained from the planting of around 86 thousand trees. 

In total, there will be 18,550 solar panels, distributed over a total area of 246,431 m². The forecast is that the projects, which are being installed in the municipalities of Quixeré (CE), Buriti Alegre (GO) and Seropédica and Campos dos Goytacazes (RJ), will begin operating in June 2022.

“In 2020, we made a commitment to, from the end of the same year, have 100% of Bradesco's operations supplied by energy from renewable sources. With this objective already achieved, we became one of the first large financial institutions in the world to complete the transition”, highlighted Adelmo Perez, director of the Equity department at Bradesco. 

“This partnership reaffirms the bank’s concern with climate change and is in line with the effort to become an increasingly sustainable company”, he added. 

“The agreement with Bradesco demonstrates the competitiveness of this business model. The construction of DG solar plants is one of the focuses of Enel , said Francisco Scroffa, responsible for Enel X in Brazil. 

Picture of Mateus Badra
Mateus Badra
Journalist graduated from PUC-Campinas. He worked as a producer, reporter and presenter on TV Bandeirantes and Metro Jornal. Has been following the Brazilian electricity sector since 2020.

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