Subscription solar plants have quadrupled in the last two years

The modality has accumulated over 7,700 plants installed since its regulation in the country in 2015
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Usinas de energia solar por assinatura quadruplicaram em dois anos
Photo: Freepik

O number of solar plants in shared generation, popularly known as signature, quadrupled in the last two years in Brazil: left 1.9 thousand to 7.7 thousand between complete years 2021 and 2023. 

You data were collected and published, exclusively, by ABSOLATE (Brazilian Photovoltaic Solar Energy Association) at the request of the Solar Channel.

A shared generation is one of the DG modalities (distributed generation), having been regulated by ANEEL (National Electric Energy Agency) from Normative Resolution 687/2015.

The initiative consists of distributing solar energy credits to a large group of consumers.

In addition to the more than 7,700 systems installed, subscription solar energy has also accumulated since its regulation around R$ 3.33 billion in investments It is 218.6 MW of installed power. 

The modality has also already surpassed the 304 thousand UCs (consumer units) throughout the country and 6.5 thousand jobs created. 

Numbers of shared generation in Brazil since its regulation (in 2015):


In 2023

At the last year, were counted 2,870 shared generation plants installed in the country, with more than R$ 535 million in investments is power of 126.5 MW between the months of January and December. 

The modality was also responsible for supplying more than 13 thousand UCs (consumer units) and for generating more than 3.7 thousand jobs over the past year, according to ABSOLAR data. 

Rodrigo Sauaia, CEO of the association, highlights that the increasing popularization of the various types of solar energy has caused a positive multiplier effect on Brazilian society.

According to him, such growth – in addition to strengthening sustainability – helps “relieve family budgets and increase the competitiveness of Brazilian productive sectors, crucial factors for boosting the national economy”. 

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Picture of Henrique Hein
Henry Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.

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