Solar plants record 70% increase in energy generation

Solar projects were responsible for generating an average of 1.87 GW in October this year
Usinas solares registram aumento de 70% na geração de energia
Solar energy was above other sources analyzed by the study. Photo: BTS Energia / Reproduction

One report presented, this Monday (21), by CCEE (Electricity Trading Chamber) revealed that the photovoltaic plants registered a growth in energy generation in the order of 70% in October compared to the same period last year.

In all, were around 1.87 GW on average, against 1.1 GW compared to October 2021 – volume that, in percentage terms, was above the other sources analyzed by the study. 

You wind farms, for example, obtained a growth of 32.5% in the comparison between the two dates. Already the water generation had one growth of 25.4%, while the result of thermal power plants it was left 55.2% smaller than recorded in October last year. 

Comparison by source between October 1st and 31st, 2021 and 2022. Photo: CCEE

Energy consumption

According to the CCEE study, energy consumption rose again in Brazil last month, with an increase in the average temperature in most states.

After a result in September that suffered the impacts of rain and cold, the country used an average of 65.9 GW last month, an increase of 2.5% compared to 2021. 

In the annual comparison, a large part of the country registered an increase in consumption in October, with emphasis on Maranhão, with an increase of 29%, followed by Tocantins (17%) and Rio de Janeiro (7%), influenced by days with more intense sunshine and less Of rain. At the other extreme, Pernambuco showed a decline of 5%, and Rio Grande do Sul of 4%.

Regulated Market x Free Market

CCEE also pointed out in its survey that the Regulated Market – in which small companies and homes purchase their supply from distributors – recorded its highest growth since January: 1.3% in the annual comparison, reaching an average of 42.1 GW.

“The segment is highly influenced by meteorological factors, with more intense use of refrigeration equipment on hotter days, for example, which explains the increase in the North, Southeast and part of the Northeast regions”, highlights the study. 

Already the Free market – in which large commerce, retail and industry groups negotiate energy directly with generators or traders – was responsible for the consumption of an average of 23.7 GW, an amount 4.8% higher than in 2021.

CCEE also analyzes the data, disregarding the effect of consumer migration between the two environments in the last 12 months. In this case, the free environment would have a growth of 2.2%, while the regulated environment would increase 2.7%. 

Comparison of regulated and free markets. Photo: CCEE
Picture of Henrique Hein
Henrique Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.
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