Advantages of using three-phase low voltage inverters (127/220V)

The use of these inverters can be advantageous in states that are served at this voltage level
Inversores Sunways trifásicos STT-15~25KTL-LV
Equipment is specially designed for 127/220V/60Hz three-phase networks

Currently in Brazil, some states are supplied with 127/220V voltage, such as Mato Grosso, Minas Gerais, São Paulo and Paraná, which coincidentally are among the states with the highest installed power of distributed generation (DG). The voltage values found in Brazilian territory can be consulted at this link: Voltage Levels – ABRADEE

The most common three-phase inverters sold nationwide work with a voltage of 220/380V. This happens because other countries use three-phase networks with this voltage.

Therefore, to make the output voltage levels of three-phase inverters at 220/380V compatible with states with a 127/220V electrical grid, it is necessary to use transformers, which ends up making projects more expensive due to the high cost of the equipment.

The use of three-phase inverters with 127/220V output can be advantageous, especially in states that are served at this voltage level, as they do not require the use of a transformer, as the inverter output voltage will be at the same voltage level as the electrical network. – this reduces the cost and also the area used in the project.

Vantagens na utilização de inversores trifásicos de baixa tensão (127/220V)
Figure 1 – Sunways STT three-phase inverter – 15 – 25 KTL – LV. Photo: Sunways

A Figure 1 exemplifies an inverter model which has an output voltage of 127/220 V. The LV (low voltage) code signals that the inverter can connect to networks with low voltages.

In addition to having 4 MPPTs, the inverter is compatible with high power modules with 182 mm and 210 mm cells, has IP66 protection and has a maximum efficiency of 98.8%. Other characteristics can be seen in the table reproduced below, which can be found in the equipment data sheet.

Vantagens na utilização de inversores trifásicos de baixa tensão (127/220V)
Equipment technical sheet. Photo: Sunways
Picture of Vitor Borges
Victor Borges
Member of the Canal Solar engineering team. Has technical knowledge in operations in energy substations, installations, circuits, electrical project specifications, component operation, among others. Graduating in Electrical Engineering from PUC-Campinas.

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