Vatican will be fully powered by solar energy

Pope Francis intends to build a park that meets all the needs of the State
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Vaticano será totalmente abastecido por energia solar
St. Peter's Square, Vatican. Photo: Diego Cambiaso/Flickr/Reproduction

The city of Vatican will be powered by solar energy, according to a letter entitled 'Brother Sol', released by Pope Francis, on Wednesday (26).

The pontiff ordered the park is built in Santa Maria di Galeria, city on the outskirts of Rome and which belongs to the pontificate, where there is Vatican radio which will also be fed by solar energy.

O park will be an agrovoltaic plant, which is a space intended for both agriculture and photovoltaic energy production.

The idea is that the energy produced will supply the needs of the entire Vatican City, which is considered a mini state measuring 0.44 square kilometers.

O pontiff elected two representatives of the church to move forward with the project, Cardinal Fernando Vérgez Alzaga, president of the commission that governs the Vatican State; and Archbishop Giordano Piccionotti, president of APSA (Administration of the Patrimony of the Holy See).

Although, There is still no information on how big the park will be. or the generation capacity produced by it.

Pope Francis and climate change

O Pope Francis is a strong actor in the fight against climate change. Since 2015, the pontiff has taken a position on the issue. At the time, he said he would renew the dialogue about how the world is dealing with the future of the planet.

In July 2022, the Vatican joined the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (in English, UNFCCC – United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change), which is an international treaty with the aim of stabilizing the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, in a way that prevents dangerous human interference in the environment.

O The Vatican also participates in the Paris Agreement, which is from 2015, but which Francisco signed in October 2022.

Other measures taken were: pursuing the goal of zero emissions by 2050 and a fleet of vehicles with net zero emissions by 2030. 

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Picture of Viviane Lucio
Viviane Lucio
Journalist graduated from UNIP (Universidade Paulista) and specialist in scientific journalism from Unicamp (Universidade Estadual de Campinas). He has experience in producing news, reports, photography, communications and press consultancy.

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