Sales of electric vehicles break record in 2021

Data from Renavam shows that sales of electrified vehicles have already surpassed the 30,000 mark by November
16-12-21-canal-solar-Venda de veículos elétricos bate recorde em 2021
In the month of November alone, 3,505 electrified vehicles were registered. Photo: Envato Elements

The total of EVs (electric vehicles) sold in Brazil in 2021, until November, has already surpassed the 30 thousand mark, according to data from Renavam (National Registry of Motor Vehicles of the Ministry of Infrastructure).

In the last month alone, 3,505 electrified vehicles were registered. From January to November there were 30,445, setting a new record for sales of cars and light commercial vehicles in this segment in Brazil.

November's numbers reached 2.1% of market share over total domestic sales for the month in the Brazilian market – 161,027, according to Fenabrave (National Federation of Motor Vehicle Distribution).

The result is also 26% higher than in October this year (2,787) and 57% higher than in November 2020 (2,231). The 30,445 electrifications in the first 11 months represent 1.7% of the total market share for the period (1,780,906).

The 30,445 electrified vehicles sold from January to November already represented an increase of 54% over the total sold throughout 2020 (19,745).

Projections of ABVE (Brazilian Electric Vehicle Association) point out that, with this performance in November, the total will probably reach 32,500 registrations in December – which will represent an increase of 64% over last year's total.

Analysis of the EV market

The total number of electrified cars and light commercial vehicles already in circulation in Brazil reaches almost 73 thousand. “Such growth should be celebrated, but without obscuring the fact that this sector in Brazil is still growing at a much slower pace than in the main countries”, recalled Adalberto Maluf, president of ABVE.

“We still have a long way to go for Brazil to reach the level of electrification of its fleet compatible with the size and importance of the Brazilian automobile market”, he highlighted.

For the executive, the share of electric vehicles in Europe, for example, should jump from the current 11% of market share to 22% this year. And this number only includes BEVs and PHEVs, that is, plug-in electric vehicles. “In Brazil, we are celebrating 2%, but including non-plug-in hybrid cars in this account.”

“Combustion vehicles in Brazil pay more taxes than electric cars, which is nonsense. Furthermore, the market resents the lack of a national electromobility plan led by the federal government, which is capable of integrating all the country's actions with the objective of reducing pollutant emissions in transport, with viable and defined goals”, commented Maluf .

“Contributing to making this national plan viable is the main work program of the Brazilian Electric Vehicle Association in 2022”, he concluded.

BEV sales

According to ABVE, the highlight this year was the performance of fully battery-powered cars (BEVs), which have already sold 2,137 units from January to November, and should reach December with triple the number of registrations in 2020 (which was 801). .

With these numbers, BEVs went from an average of around 5% to 7% of total sales of electrified vehicles in the country.


In 2021, the market continued to be led by HEVs (hybrid electric vehicles), which registered 17,909 units in the first 11 months (58% of the total). In the same period, 10,397 PHEVs (plug-in hybrid electric vehicles) were registered, or 34% of the total.

Read more: EV sales are expected to surpass those of combustion cars by 2035

Picture of Mateus Badra
Matthew Badra
Journalist graduated from PUC-Campinas. He worked as a producer, reporter and presenter on TV Bandeirantes and Metro Jornal. Has been following the Brazilian electricity sector since 2020.

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