Wisebyte uses artificial intelligence to create solutions for the energy sector

Company is eyeing the expansion of free and distributed generation markets in Brazil
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Wisebyte usa inteligência artificial para criar soluções para o setor de energia
The company is eyeing the opening of the free energy market and the expansion of solar DG. Photo: Freepik

A Wisebyte, the group's technology arm Delta Energy, comes to the market to offer software and hardware solutions for the energy and telecommunications sectors using artificial intelligence, with its eyes focused on opening the free energy market and expanding the distributed solar generation segment.

Second Alfredo Silva, Director of Technology at Delta Energia, technology will be the driving force to support the growth of these markets.

“We understand that the energy sector will go through a process of disruption. We see the number of retail traders entering the market, next year there will be a lot of motivation due to the free market and we know that in the future there will be an opening of the market for all consumers”.

Silva refers to the opening of the free electricity market for Group A companies, who from next year will be able to choose their own energy supplier, if they wish.

Today the free market has just over 30 thousand consumer units and with this opening more than 72 thousand new units may join this modality. It is understood, therefore, that technology will be fundamental in managing such a large volume of consumers.

Wisebyte also operates in the distributed solar generation segment, which is growing rapidly in Brazil. The company's solution allows you to do all management of a photovoltaic plant, with direct communication with inverters, modules and solarimetric stations. The portfolio includes intelligence for energy measurement and billing – system that carries out operations related to billing for customer consumption.

For the consumer, the company developed a smart meter and software capable of visualizing consumption in real time and identifying the biggest offenders by group of domestic equipment.

“Our entire strategy is to empower the consumer so that they can have better energy management and can have in the palm of their hands what they can do to reduce consumption”, he said Paulo Reis, founding partner and CTO of Wisebyte.

Wisebyte is the new brand of BestDeal Technologies – a company with more than 14 years on the market that was acquired by Delta in March 2022. Wisebyte has a consolidated portfolio in the telecommunications sector and now wants to be a reference in technological solutions for the electrical sector .

“We want to participate in this revolution in the sector, not simply surf this wave, but contribute so that the electricity sector can go through this revolution and be better in the future for consumers”, said Reis.

He adds that Wisebyte was the first technology company in Brazil to develop the entire brand creation process using AI, such as the name, the color palette and even the basis for the text that defines the company's purpose.

“Artificial intelligence is in our DNA, something that conveys who we are, what we do, every product we develop, whether for telecommunications or energy,” said Reis.

Picture of Wagner Freire
Wagner Freire
Wagner Freire is a journalist graduated from FMU. He worked as a reporter for Jornal da Energia, Canal Energia and Agência Estado. He has covered the electricity sector since 2011. He has experience in covering events, such as energy auctions, conventions, lectures, fairs, congresses and seminars.

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