How should solar panels be installed?

Have you ever thought about using solar energy in your home, but don't know how? Canal Solar teaches you!
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Como deve ser feita a instalação de painéis solares
Photo: Envato Elements

A solar energy It has become a global trend and has been gaining more and more space in Brazil.

There are many reasons for such expansion in the solar market, this practice has numerous advantages, one of which is the reduction of electricity bill, in addition to being a sustainable alternative contributing to environmental preservation.

For this reason, the desire to install a photovoltaic solar system in homes has expanded and, faced with this scenario, many doubts related to the installation of solar panels end up appearing.

Canal Solar has prepared a step-by-step guide on installing solar panels. Check out!

What is needed for installation?

Initially, it is important to highlight that solar panels capture sunlight and convert it into electrical energy.

This transformation occurs due to the movement of electrons from the incidence of sunlight, generating direct current (DC) electricity.

Checking the incidence of the Sun

Although the operating system of solar panels allows the production of electrical energy even on cloudy days, solar panels must be installed in environments with high solar incidence.

The geographic location of the residence is a fundamental point and must be checked before installing the equipment.

The panels must be installed in a strategic location, ensuring efficient production of electrical energy.

Cost analysis

There are different types of photovoltaic systems, that is, each one with a different functioning, as well as the costs of installation.

Therefore, it is extremely important to check which models are available for the type of residence you want to apply the system to.

In addition to analyzing the efficiency of the module and its cost, the The system's useful life must also be checked., as the return on investment can only be seen after a certain period.

Professional support

Monitoring a specialized professional is recommended for certifying that the building has an adequate infrastructure for the installation of a solar energy.

You Roofs are one of the most important structures to be analyzed, since the installation is carried out on the roofs of buildings, and this analysis can only be completed reliably by a specialized professional.

Furthermore, the incidence of winds, that is, air circulation and the total surface space, are details that can compromise the system's efficiency, and can only be analyzed by a specialist.

Failure to check the incidence of winds may result in unsatisfactory production of electrical energy.

Encontre um instalador especializado em energia solar em agora!


The “access opinion” is a formal and mandatory document and its request must be made before installing the photovoltaic system.

The document refers to the conditions of access to energy on site, in addition to technical data that enable the connection of installations for the production of electrical energy through the solar energy, and can be requested at any energy concessionaire store, with the maximum issuance period of 34 days.

After completing this step, the installation will be able to begin the procedures in a completely legal manner.

Frequently asked questions

Is it necessary to prepare the house for solar energy?

No. In most cases, changes to the structure of the residence are not necessary, as the equipment is manufactured with the ability to adapt to any type of roof or covering.

As for the electrical part, also no need for changes in the home's wiring, as the system is connected before the distribution board. Inverters can be installed both inside and outside the home, including in areas without roofs.

Which course to take to learn more about solar panels?

With the rapid growth of the solar sector in Brazil, every year, several professionals become interested in specializing in solar energy.

For those interested in starting a career in the area or professionals who already work in the market and seek to expand their knowledge, Canal Solar offers courses about everything you need to know about the solar sector. Check out the Photovoltaic Systems Project Course!

Picture of Stella Miranda
Stella Miranda
Producer of Canal Responde and Solar em 60. She has experience in podcast production, preparation of journalistic articles, interviews and radio production. Student of Journalism at the Pontifical Catholic University of Campinas.

2 Responses

  1. Good morning Stella,
    I am getting a quote for the installation of a solar panel for residential use in RJ. When analyzing the proposals, I noticed a certain uncertainty about which panel would be the most appropriate to use, taking into account the type of cables used; the efficiency of the panel, the heat absorption of each type of panel and the variation in power.
    I would like to know from you, if possible, how I would go about evaluating the best product to use, and how I can investigate these points mentioned.

    Thank you for your attention and knowledge.
    Fernando Peterson
    [email protected]

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