LUZ has a target of reaching 150 MW in solar DG in 2024

Delta Group company aims to reach 100 thousand customers in the period
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Solar farm located in Brasília (DF). Photo: LUZ/Disclosure

LUZ, the distributed solar generation arm of Grupo Delta Energia, has an ambitious plan to reach 50 photovoltaic plants and 100 thousand customers by the end of 2024, said CEO Rafael Maia in an interview with Solar Channel. In total, the goal is to reach 150 MW of installed capacity. The expansion plan is expected to generate 5,500 direct jobs and 15,000 indirect jobs.

Maia is a newcomer to the electricity sector, but has extensive experience in leading startups. The idea behind LUZ is to operate with a focus on retail, with an eye on the process of opening up the energy market. “Our mission is to grow, learn and prepare the company to open the market. We have 50 farms under construction and the idea is to finish them in 2024 and have the capacity to serve 100,000 consumers.”

The total value of the investment was not revealed, nor how the company intends to finance its business plan. However, LUZ is plugged into the Delta Group which, as one of the largest energy companies in the country, has ample capacity to raise money in the market.

With seven months of operation, LUZ has three plants generating renewable energy: one in Ribeirão Bonito (SP-5 MW), one in Três Lagoas (MS-5 MW) and one in Planaltina (DF-1 MW). By August, two other projects of 5 MW each will begin operating in the federal capital, which will allow the company to serve around 20,000 low voltage consumer units distributed in 463 cities in Brazil.

The business model consists of selling solar energy on a subscription basis, offering consumers direct discounts on their electricity bills. To this end, the company uses technology as a tool to provide the service. Customers can contract the service digitally and monitor energy consumption in real time through an application developed by LUZ.

Rafael Maia, CEO of LUZ
Picture of Wagner Freire
Wagner Freire
Wagner Freire is a journalist graduated from FMU. He worked as a reporter for Jornal da Energia, Canal Energia and Agência Estado. He has covered the electricity sector since 2011. He has experience in covering events, such as energy auctions, conventions, lectures, fairs, congresses and seminars.

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