Substation catches fire and leaves 40 thousand consumer units without access to energy

It is suspected that the unit suffered an attempted theft of cables by a man who was found dead at the scene
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Subestação pega fogo e deixa 40 mil unidades consumidoras sem energia
Photo: Digital Diary/Reproduction

One man burned to death and about 40 thousand consumer units stayed without access to electricity, in the early hours of this Monday (5), because of a explosion and a fire occurred in a energy substation from the Energisa, in Vila Progresso, in Campo Grande (MS).

The main The suspicion is that the unit has suffered an attempt to steal cables, causing a short circuit and subsequent flames. O man who died at the scene would have broken into the entrance of the place to commit the crime.

Residents of the region reported that the explosion occurred around 4:30 am. Teams from Fire Department were activated and controlled the flames. A Civil Police and forensics were also in the unit.

In a note, the Energisa reported that the incident damaged substation equipment and caused an interruption in the power supply, which was fully restored at 6:36 am. O episode remains under investigation by the competent authorities.

“Energisa reinforces its policy of valuing the lives and safety of employees and the community. At the substation and in the surrounding area, there are warnings about the risk of accessing high voltage wires and equipment”, highlighted the energy distribution company.

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Picture of Henrique Hein
Henry Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.

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